
Confident with Kumon

Kumon is considered to be the largest supplementary education provider in the UK and Ireland. Its approach to learning is different to traditional methods of supplementary education, and is based on self-learning programmes.

As Kumon aims to develop independent study skills, a Kumon study centre does not have a teacher at the front of the class; carefully developed worksheets (which can be completed either in paper form or by downloading them onto a personal tablet) teach students how to find the answer for themselves, whilst an instructor guides them along their journey. It is the instructor’s role to observe the child working, make sure they develop at the right pace and thus set work according to their current ability.

Boost yor child confidence poster

In the UK, Kumon offers two programmes: the English Programme and the Maths Programme. On each programme, the student will start at their own individually set point, follow their own path of study and move through the programme at a speed comfortable for them.

Twelve year old Giovanni Smith, from Manchester, joined his local Kumon centre seven years ago. Recently, he completed the English programme, and is now studying more than three years ahead of his age. Here is what he’s got to say:

Boy holding Kumon certificate“I joined the Kumon Study Centre in Chorlton when I was 5 years old and, if I’m being honest, at first I was really reluctant to do my worksheets – all I wanted to do was play. After about a year of studying with Kumon I started to notice I was improving in class; my scores on tests went from being average to really good after just one year.“Kumon helped to improve my vocabulary and also my reading. I became a confident reader and could read any book I wanted. Fast forward 7 years – now I’m proud to say that I have recently become a Completer of the Kumon English programme and am now studying more than 3 years ahead of my age. I never thought I would be in this position.

“I continue my journey with Math, in which I’m also studying 3 years ahead of my age. Studying Maths with the Kumon method has been very beneficial for me. It has improved my accuracy and I can now confidently answer questions with speed.

“A word of encouragement that I would give to young Kumon students – I guarantee that if you keep working hard and complete all your worksheets you will see massive improvements.

“Thanks you to everybody that has supported me through my Kumon journey.”

Kumon Instructor at the Chorlton Study Centre, Julie Parker, says: “We are very proud of Giovanni’s achievement. He is a remarkable example of how dedication to daily practice truly pays off. Armed with confidence and a broad set of skills, his future looks extremely bright.

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